Zhujiang Delta Water Resources Allocation Project

Zhujiang Delta Water Resources Allocation Project

Zhujiang Delta Water Resources Allocation Project

Zhujiang Delta Water Resources Allocation Project

YREC is responsible for construction supervision of the Project, which is built to transfer water from the Xijiang River System to the eastern area of the Zhujiang Delta, including Nansha District, Dongguan City and Shenzhen City, and with emergency water supply for Hong Kong, Panyu and Shunde within the Greater Bay Area. The design mean annual water supply capacity is 1.708 billion m³.

The Project consists of one trunk line, two principal lines, one branch line, three pump stations and a new regulating reservoir. The design flow is 80 m³/s. The total length of water delivery lines is 113.2 km, of which the trunk line is 90.3 km long. The shield TBM is applied for tunnel construction. The construction of the Project was started in April 2019, and will be completed in April 2024.

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