Pengshui Hydropower Station on the Wujiang River in Chongqing

Pengshui Hydropower Station on the Wujiang River in Chongqing

The Project was contracted by YREC for engineering consulting and supervision, and is of Class-I large-scale (1) project, which is developed for power generation, flood control and navigation. The Project is composed of the curved concrete gravity dam, flood discharge structure, 500 t ship lift, underground power station with five generating units of 350 MW and a total installed capacity of 1,750 MW, and the 500 kV substation. YREC undertakes the life-cycle consulting and construction supervision management.

The Project was commenced in November 2003, and passed the completion acceptance in December 2010. The Project was awarded China Power Quality Project and Luban Prize for National Quality Project.

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